
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Brigitte Lacombe and Studio cat

Brigitte Lacombe and Studio cat

Mrs Sizzle Brigitte Lacombe.jpg
Mrs Sizzle Cat Lacombe.jpg

Before we get too carried away with dogs, I did want to say that the occasional cat, bird, elephant, rabbit, or African Pygmy Hedgehog might appear! But this cat, aka, Brigitte Lacombe's Studio Cat is one of my favorites.  

Brigitte and I met years ago, so long that I can't even remember. But we have collaborated on some shoots together and all of them memorable. One of my favorites was on a hot Saturday last summer when she made time in her weekend to photograph Malala Yousafzi, Zasia Mamat, Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler, or Jane Aaronson for me to name a few.  Here though is a face that mesmerizes.  It is the face of Studio cat, a cat that was found after being thrown off a roof rolled up in a carpet and found by her friend Janet Johnson. Studio cat is the first to greet you when you make your way down to visit Brigitte on Bowery.

Here's the full story on Studio Cat: I was meeting Brigitte, Janet Johnson and Cindi Leive for lunch when Janet arrived late and panicked. What she had witnessed earlier that day was a cat being thrown off a roof in a roll of carpet. Since it was the day after Halloween, no one was paying attention to this sweet black cat except for Janet! Without hesitation, Janet took Studio to the vet and was still able to make lunch with us all (even if she was a little late). Studio Cat is loved by all.

Who really does run the roost at Nadine Johnson PR? Lupo wanted to share with us that he really is top dog.

WELCOME to the Park Hyatt NYC where dogs are people too

WELCOME to the Park Hyatt NYC where dogs are people too