All tagged rescue

It’s been a while since Mrs. Sizzle has visited a shelter and I was lucky enough to have some national outreach from AUSTIN, TX.  Nicole Mlakar, a fantastic Austin photographer, and Anne Christian, of the brilliant dog collar & leash co, DOG + BONE , came together to do a series of portraits at the local shelter, AUSTIN PETS ALIVE.

We rescued Ollie from the North Central Animal Shelter In Los Angeles, CA.  He was brought in as a stray at the estimated age of 3/4months.  When we met him, he simply walked over to the front of his cage and gently kissed our hands, and we knew we couldn't leave without him.
Shy and a bit skittish as a puppy, Ollie has blossomed into a wonderful adventurer and companion.

Patricia and Gerry, her husband, live in my building in midtown.  I often see them walking their two lovely dogs on 57th Street.  When I told Pat of my new venture she was eager to share her many stories about all the beautiful dogs they have had in their lives.  Here is what she tells of her darling two dogs that she has now, "We met Lola, our twelve year old Cockapoo, when she was three year old. We discovered her at adoption day in Central Park hosted by Animal Care and Control in the summer of 2005.