All tagged Doug the Pug

Ann DeVito has a way with illustrating dogs

Anne DeVito loves dogs.  So much so that she recently had a book come out called DOG LOVE, published by Penguin Books, that features different breeds of dogs.  It was with great pleasure that I received this delightful book and a surprise piece of art for my very own of the Sizzle sisters!  It inspired me to reach out to this wonderful artist and toss her names of a few of my favorite instagram accounts that highlight dogs, to inspire some new illustrations!

DUDES, this girl BRANDY surfs and she is so good at it! We first learned about surfing dogs when Mrs. Sizzle spotted Abbie on Instagram. It was there she learned about these cross training dogs and their superhuman humans that are all about keeping their dogs engaged and happy.  I was all over it!  We then came to discover the amazing Brandy who defies all pug stereotypes and gets out there to do her thing.  And her thing is BIG - not only does she surf but she snowboards too.  In fact this dog is up for the HOT DOG category for the CW's World Dog Awards to air on January.  In order to understand how a pug started surfing we asked her dad a few q's and this is what we got.

Doug the Pug hit the streets of NYC a few weeks ago with a million interviews and a bad ass meet up in Central Park. Mrs Sizzle asked him a few questions about the whole experience.

So when you hopped out of the car for the first time in the city what was the best smell you encountered?  "Hot dogs everywhere. The NYC lady pugs smelled pretty good too. "