All tagged Dogs

I can't stop smiling when I look at Julie Christe's book Flying Dogs

My idea of the flying dogs and the very first series started in 2007 when I was still in school. I was inspired seeing photos of my dog Flinn in midair. He loved Frisbees and would jump after them with abandon, flying up and not caring about where (or even if) he would ever land. I began experimenting with different methods in order to capture other dogs from this unique midair perspective. It took a lot of trial and error making sure the dogs were safe and comfortable, and that we would get a great photo, but it was worth it.

David Williams and the people and dogs of Westminster Dog Show

I asked David about what it was like to shoot dogs at the 2017 Westminster Dog Show in NYC this month and this is what he had to offer:

"I was lucky enough to take a stab at the challenge of capturing the Westminster Dog Show this year. Color and humor are what compels me to take a picture, and this event has no shortage of either. The purple runways and ropes, green show floor, and colorful skirt suits provide ample opportunities to take a great picture. Oh! And the dogs. The most beautiful dogs I have ever seen. Big ones, small ones, skinny ones, fat ones. It’s almost like a Dr. Suess book in real life. With everything working to my advantage, the dog show is still an unpredictable event to photograph and difficult to make photos that stand out from other photographer's shots from the past. With this in mind, I tried my best to seek out moments that spoke to me instead of firing my camera at every cute dog that walked past. So, after three days and over 58,000 steps, here’s a peek into what I came home with."

Nancy Levine's new book senior dogs across america

 11-24-06 My dog, my muse, died today... on my birthday. She died only 5 months after her sister, my other muse. She licked my face – my tears – in the last moments of her life. My nine months of caring for two failing bodies is over now. The vet visits, acupuncturist, swim therapist, cardiologist, medications, supplements, diapers, stroller, my vigilance to their silent needs…hoping not to miss any. I loved them passionately. To the quiet, exquisite presence of each aged dog, I honor them with this work. To the tight cord of love between them and their person(s), so profoundly palpable, I dedicate this work.

jesse freidin likes to look into dog's eyes

Jesse Friedin, photographer, animal lover and creator of meaningful projects is how I like to refer to him.  I met this ambitious man in San Francisco a few years ago while doing a job andsince that time I have watched his work blossom and wanted to share that you too could have a Jesse Friedin portrait of your dog should you so desire.  He shares with me his passion for pets and how he got into this business.

Stacy Fischer introduced me to Kimberly this Fall. I knew her work from BARK magazine and was so taken with her profile of William Wegman who had also told me about her work.  Kimberly is a visual storyteller who loves to hang with artists with the intention of seeing them cultivate and sustain their creativity.  I asked Kimberly what it was like to spend time with Wegman observing him and his art.

Years ago, a new country neighbor confided that whenever her husband went away on business she slept with a loaded shotgun by the bed, but I believe in accidents, sleepwalking and all the other disasters that Hollywood screenwriters can mustre. A shotgun only wakes you up after it has blown off your leg when you knocked it over reaching for a glass of water. A dog, however, wakes you up before something happens (or will ever happen).


Not only has Pamela been a fun friend but she is also a mad good photographer. And not only a photographer but a dog lover too which makes for a delicious doggie combo! Seen here are some summer fun dog pictures of the creatures she is in love with.  Best part of this post  is seeing her nanny, Lynny, with Tabu, the poodle, Ambra, the great pyrenees, and Jimmy Hendrix, the cat. In addition to dogs, she also loved horses but her parents drew the line at canines.