All in New Story

Dogs howling and teeth chattering  were the sounds that split the night in Times Square Monday late Monday evening. A magical event, in the heart of the city, on the steps of Duffy Square…a Midnight Moment, Laurie Anderson’s mesmerizing music. Music and dog lovers huddled close while the dog friendly frequency of Ms Anderson’s music inspired rhapsodic howls from the crowd.

CUT it OUT DENISE! A San Francisco artist and her scissors

How divine are these please!? Imagine artist Denise Fiedler in San Francisco collaging her life away! As she calls it the collages are her reuse project- "I use vintage and discarded books for the collage paper." First she paints the subjects and then her scissors go wild.  Of course what caught my eye were the dogs as my best friend Peg Patterson gave me some from her store DISH in Hudson, but the people are pretty exciting too.
To learn more about how to get your pets portrait done click here. It's so fun!

DUDES, this girl BRANDY surfs and she is so good at it! We first learned about surfing dogs when Mrs. Sizzle spotted Abbie on Instagram. It was there she learned about these cross training dogs and their superhuman humans that are all about keeping their dogs engaged and happy.  I was all over it!  We then came to discover the amazing Brandy who defies all pug stereotypes and gets out there to do her thing.  And her thing is BIG - not only does she surf but she snowboards too.  In fact this dog is up for the HOT DOG category for the CW's World Dog Awards to air on January.  In order to understand how a pug started surfing we asked her dad a few q's and this is what we got.

ridiculously good looking dogs and their people

Here at Mrs. Sizzle, we pride ourselves in being the “go to” fashion spot for discerning pet owners.  With Fall in full tilt and dogs needing an extra bit of cozy, we asked some of the most gorgeous dogs we know to model with their owners on the streets of NYC.  While we were shooting this dog show, we asked their parents: “What’s the one thing you love most about your dog?”.

Richard Phibbs is an angel of an animal lover

Photographer and gentleman. Shoots celebrities and fashion, but really does a good dog―and really IS a good human. For the past several years, Richard has devoted a big chunk of his work life to finding all of these sweet souls a home. Working with the Humane Society of New York, he goes into a tiny examination room to take arresting and compassionate portraits of these scared little creatures who need to be seen to be loved.  And he has been relentless: Of the 180+ dogs Richard has photographed, the majority have found a second chance at life in a new home thanks to his brilliant photographs.

Steve, the rescue dog

This is a bit of a crazy story.  My parents drove off the ferry in Orient Point, NY and in the parking lot was someone who looked suspiciously similar to me.  My mother ran over to her and she did not find me but my true doppelgänger. Sure enough after looking each other up in Facebook and deciding that yes, we did in fact look like twins, we agreed to meet a year and a half or so later.  Fast forward to us both instantly talking dogs and her tale of her rescue dog Steve.  I gave her the assignment to write his story and I am pleased to shared it with you!

These pictures make me so happy! What’s not to love about humans and hounds, the brainchild of Melinda Montney of DOG & CO. and her partner and photographer, Robert Stoetzel.  Captured on the street, these images speak to the amazing relationship between people and their pets. I don’t know about you, but each one of these images makes me smile! So very #MrsSizzle!